Kingdom Inheritance Today - The Kingdom of God Today

Deliverance Now

"HE IS A LIAR", John 8'44

(This article aims at orientating Believers in carrying out "the deliverance ministry".)

There's a question that sometimes comes up in conversations or a counseling sessions when Believers talk about being troubled with spiritual experiences that are distressing and about which they feel helpless and hopeless. The question is: "Have you thought about deliverance?".

If a Believer is at the stage of thinking about deliverance for themselves, it's likely that self-questioning has already come into play: "Have I sinned?" "Am I really saved?" "Could I be demon possessed?" For them freedom from these experiences seems impossible. And they are at a loss.

Is freedom possible, then? Yes it is! Paul says that Believers are called to freedom (Galatians 5'13). So freedom is God's will for all who believe in Jesus. The good news is, anything that is robbing a Believer of having God's peace and joy can be removed in Jesus' name.

In fact, if you are reading this article with a receptive mind and you are a troubled Believer you could very well be delivered from it and restored to the freedom that is yours in Christ.


First of all, what is known as the ministry of deliverance doesn't appear in the Bible. However, there is in Acts 16'16-18 a clear example of the Believers' authority over Satan our heavenly Father has given us for casting out demons in unbelievers (commonly called exorcism). Luke reports:

"Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, 'These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.'
And this she did for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, 'I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.' And he came out that very hour".

So, how did deliverance for Believers come about? It came about because there were Believers who were plainly sincere and diligent in Christ and yet found themselves being seriously disturbed spiritually and personally in various ways. They had tried reciting and claiming Bible verses, praying and counselling, etc, all without success.

The idea of praying for deliverance for these things was successful, for the most part. However, it was controversial. And as time went by the idea strayed somewhat so that, to some, it became the general answer for almost every problem. That brought "the deliverance ministry" (as it came to be called) into some disrepute.

But some deliverance sessions were disorderly and unruly, with loud commands for evil spirits to come out and/or name themselves and demonic distractions. All of which simply hindered progress. It seemed as if the enemy had the authority and tended to be carried out like exorcism.

Nevertheless, deliverance is still successfully practised, because there are Believers who are spiritually distressed.

Can a Christian have a demon? That's another question that seems to pop up automatically in any discussion of "deliverance". The answer is: "No! It's not possible for a born again Believer to be possessed by a demon. (But the enemy may give that impression.)

Above all, the Holy Spirit says, "... if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new," 2 Corinthians 5'17. That is actual spiritual understanding.

Another powerful Holy Spirit understanding is that our heavenly Father "has delivered us from the power of darkness ...". It is an accomplished spiritual fact. He has (past tense) delivered us.

And, together with delivering us from the power of the enemy, our Father "has conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love". That means that every born again Believer stands in the same relationship with the Father as Jesus did when He lived on earth, because "... we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins," Colossians 1'13-14.

Believers who are being seriously troubled by the enemy and feeling hopeless and helpless should understand that they are still redeemed and are still forgiven and are still in the kingdom of the Son of the Father's love.

And what the Father has done through Jesus guarantees deliverance and freedom from Satan's lies and deceptions. There's no demonic activity in the Kingdom of the Son of the Father's love!


Jesus began His ministry by telling the people of Israel, loudly and clearly, to "change your mind"! That's what "repent" means. When we repent we change our mind and decide that we are not going to do something that is unacceptable to our heavenly Father anymore.

It is crucial to ask early in the process of ministering deliverance if there is any unresolved sin, such as unforgiveness or disobedience, in the person's life. If so, it's crucial to deal with it straight away, by confessing it to the Father, repenting, asking His forgiveness in Jesus' name, and thanking Him for it. This is also an opportunity for others present too.

However, trying to discover or uncover some specific cause for the troubled Believer's distress can be used by the enemy to distract and hinder. After all, he does tell lies. Knowing the symptoms is sufficient. And it's not absolutely necessary to know.

Seriously distressing

Troubling spiritual experiences can come about in a Believer's life through a number of things such as:

* Being deceived by the devil and yielding to one of his devices. Adam was the first to yield. The consequence of that was disastrous to say the least. The fact is, everything he suggests is unacceptable to the Father and destructive to Believers.

* Believing the Satanic lie. He brings to mind things that have occurred in the past, such as sins, sinful experiences, intergenerational curses, negative remarks made against us in our childhood, etc, as being real. They are lies. Believers naively believe his lie and helplessly suffer the torment.

Jesus was very clear about the enemy's intentions: “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy". And very clear about His own intention: "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly," John 10'10.

* Unresolved sin / giving place to the devil:

“Be angry, and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, neither give place to the devil," Ephesians 4'26-27.

Being angry is being angry, but not it's not necessarily sin. Either way, don't hold on to it beyond the end of the day. Paul warns, "Neither give place to the devil".

In His parable of the unforgiving servant Jesus ends by saying: “... his master was angry, and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to him."
Then He said to the Disciples: “So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses,” Matthew 18'34-35. The Father had no choice.

But the enemy is only able to exercise power in a Believer's life because of opportunity. However, his most frequently used device is to challenge God's Word. In one way or another, he still says, "Has God really said?" (Genesis 3'1). Eve fell for it and Adam decided on it and what happened next is still being felt today.

Here's how Paul looked at forgiveness in relation to the enemy using it as an opportunity:

"Now whom you forgive anything, I also forgive. For if indeed I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven that one for your sakes in the presence of Christ, lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices," 2 Corinthians 2'10-11.

To sum up, doing any of the above things and leaving them unresolved  give way the devil advantage, allowing him to get beyond the boundary of a Believer's mind that usually holds him out.

The hidden hindrance.

Not acknowledging that you are righteous. To make sure there's nothing to hinder deliverance and restoration in a distressed Believer, one thing needs to be established. The Holy Spirit says it to all Believers, but not all own it. He tells us:

"... you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us ... righteousness". "For God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him," 1 Corinthians 1'30; 2 Corinthians 5'21.

Before going any further Believers should really understand that they are righteous in Christ.


Any troubled Believer reading this article can simply follow through on it. However, it may be necessary to find a place that allows for speaking out loud to our heavenly Father as necessary.

In the usual church situation at least one other Believer who agrees with this ministry and understands what is involved is needed. And it's important that one is of the same sex as the needy person.

The spouse of a married person should be involved if they are both Believers. However, a believing spouse not wanting to be involved could indicate a problem which may need addressing later. Nevertheless, continuing wisely without the spouse could be part of solving it. But, as has been said earlier, all who are involved should be right with the Lord. And it's preferable that one person leads and also does the speaking.

It's also important for this ministry be carried out in an appropriate place where speaking at a clear conversational level of volume is not easily heard outside of it.

Where, for some particular reason, the ministry has to be one to one, it should be only male to male or female to female. If another person acts as witness they should be the same sex as the one being ministered to.


The first thing in starting the ministry itself is to pray, thanking our heavenly Father for His salvation, for the working of the Holy Spirit and for the authority He has delegated to us in Christ.

Then ask the troubled Believer this simple but serious question, "Are you a sinner?" (The person should be told in advance that it is a serious question.) The answer often is a hesitant, "Yes". The true answer is, of course, a confident, "No". If it is "Yes", then the troubled Believer should be shown the truth and asked to repeat: I am not a sinner. I am righteous in Christ. And all present say, "Amen".

This manner of deliverance is done quietly (unless a liberated Believer shouts praise!). God is honoured by the order. Freedom is achieved in Jesus' name, by the Holy Spirit's power and with the delegated authority that our heavenly Father has given to all present, including the Believer.

Nothing else is needed. No physical contact. No laying on of hands, no anointing with oil, no waving the Bible over the person, no "holy water", nothing. When those taking part agree together that the Father is the authority over the situation, He is!

The enemy has to obey. Our Father has given all authority to His Son and in Him Believers have the Father's authority. Jesus said:

“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you," Luke 10'19.

What the Lord gave His Disciples back then, He gives His Disciples today.


Interestingly, this stage reveals that deliverance is really restoration. The enemy has gained the spiritual authority which is rightly the Believer's and which is about to be restored. Paul describes it in Galatians 6'1:

"Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted".

So be assured Jesus said:

"I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them," Matthew 18'19-20.

Pray together, thanking the Father for His love and grace, the fact that He is the authority in the situation, and for His delegated authority to deal with the enemy in the name of Jesus


The enemy does not want to relinquish the authority and power he has gained by deception. Taking power back involves speaking Satan, commanding him. He may try to confuse, distract or interfere. Don't stop speaking, don't respond to him or engage with him except, perhaps, to tell him to be silent in Jesus' name. You have absolute authority over him in Jesus' name.

So, taking back the authority requires the Believer speaking to the enemy directly and clearly themselves. If that proves to be difficult, the lead person should help the person by speaking phrase by phrase for them to repeat. For example:

Satan. I'm speaking to you.

By the authority of my heavenly Father

I take from you the power that you have had over me

and I put you

outside the boundary of my mind and my life.

When you try to come back I will resist you.

In the name of Jesus.

Heavenly Father, I thank you that the enemy is now outside the boundary of my mind and my life. I have taken my authority and power back from him. Amen.

All present say, Amen (it is done).

A few things to thank God for:

The restoration and freedom you have received in Jesus' name. Thank and praise the Father for the Holy Spirit's work in freeing you from the power that the enemy had over you.

The truth that, "He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world," 1 John 4'4.

That it's quite common not to feel the release that as taken place and the liberty you have. You will.

Not rationalising about your freedom. Give God the glory for restoring you. Never tell anyone about it who is likely to be derisive or negative.

And always understand this: that our heavenly Father "... has delivered us from the power of darkness

and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,

in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins," Colossians 1'12-14.